1900 French High Society
Bon chic bon genre is a term for fashionable people of good...
Advertising in the developing world was dominated by agencies in the imperial...
American Icons
A cultural icon is a person or an artifact that is identified...
Black & White Photography
The first camera photography was invented in the 1820s, before that time,...
Botanical Art - Miss Drake
Miss Drake - a skilled illustrator of orchids In celebration of Kew's...
Brady's Civil War, Mathew Brady
MATHEW BRADY Mathew B. Brady was born May 18, 1822 and died...
Brassai French Photographer
Brassaï (French 9 September 1899 – 8 July 1984) was a Hungarian–French...
British Women at War - WWII
With thousands of men away serving in the armed forces, British women...
Cartes Postales, Chatillon Paris suburbs
Châtillon is a commune in the southwestern suburbs of Paris, France. It...
Circus Posters
Shop our collection of high-quality Vintage Prints & Posters. To movies and advertising posters,...
Dogs & other Animals, circa 1950's
Black & White Photography, Color Photography Most of our photographs are of...
European Cities
Europe is the second smallest continent and the third most populous continent....
Femmes de Theatre
Before 1630, an honest woman did not go to the theater. Unlike...
Fleurs Animees - J.J. Granville
Floral Illustrations
All but one of these illustrations with a French title were done...
Francis Bacon Art
Do you love Francis Bacon, artist, as much as we do? Create...
Gibson Girls
An iconic Gibson Girl portrait by its creator, Charles Dana GibsonThe Gibson...
Hats - Exposition Universal 1900 Paris
The Exposition Universelle of 1900 was a world's fair held in Paris,...
Hohenstein Posters
Advertising posters by Hohenstein. Adolfo Hohenstein was a German painter considered as...
Houbigant Fashion
Jean-François Houbigant, as portrayed in the company's 150th anniversary catalogHoubigant Parfum is...
Definition of illustration. 1 : a picture or diagram that explains or...
Japanese Woodblock Prints I by T. Tokuriki
Woodblock printing in Japan is a technique best known for its use...
La Fille Sauvage
Jacqueline, la femme de l'ingénieur Gervoise, a été abandonnée par son amant,...
La poursuite/ Fragonard
Jean-Honoré Fragonard – 22 August 1806) was a French painter and printmaker...